
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to foster 21st century skills in secondary education

Pedagogical framework, good practices and guidelines for introducing AI in secondary education

This report presents a theoretical and practical compendium for teachers on how to develop an AI curriculum for secondary schools. Chapters 1 and 2 provide an outline of thirty-two good practices and thirty-one publications, including guidelines, case studies, tools mapping and methods reviews - which helps in understanding how AI is currently applied at school: the two categorization tables included in this chapter contain useful examples of class activities, technologies, pedagogical objectives and learning outcomes. Chapter 3 gives an overview of AI in education in terms of teaching/learning formats, pedagogical style, learning contents, learning objectives and type of tools. Chapter 4 contains a proposal of a pedagogical framework and finally, chapter 5 delineates instructional materials including AI curricula design workflow, curriculum template, learning units canvas, teaching cards canvas and students worksheet.


Technical Tutorial for Teachers for introducing AI in secondary education

This report can be used as training material for teachers and covers issues related to how one can start with Artificial Intelligence in education and the following AI services: Voice Recognition. Printed Text Recognition, Text to Speech, Image Classification, Emotion Recognition, Chatbots, Programmable AI Toys. The document makes it easy to start with Artificial Intelligence in Education with examples for teachers and several technical solutions. It is written in an easy-to-grasp way so that teachers can become familiar with the technical aspects of AI and Machine Learning and the related tools and technologies.


Handbook with AI projects

This handbook includes 8 projects from the field of AI and machine learning that were produced in the framework of EDU4AI Erasmus+ project. The aim of these projects is to showcase AI-enhanced apps and intelligent artefacts that were developed through the implementation of different AI-related services, technologies and tools. The projects were designed by the partners, constituting the EDU4AI partnership, and were piloted by schools in Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain. Additionally, the handbook also contains a number of lessons aiming to familiarise educators and students with the field of AI and machine learning. Moreover, the produced material is enhanced with relevant Open Educational Resources (OERs) for both educators and students, such as teacher’s guidelines, students’ worksheets and videos. Additionally, following the feedback provided by teachers and students during the piloting of the projects, the present handbook also includes refinements and lessons learned.
